Every once in a while I post something that inspires me. OK, I know that it seldom relates to photography and some readers don´t like it, but still I believe in the concept of refreshing my mind from “too much”. Too Much is when I live and breathe any subject at my multi-layered life so intensely, that it becomes hard to see new angles and possibilities.
If you don´t like this posts, please forgive me and jump to the next or previous. (BTW have you seen this one about the regular women posing for The Nu Project? LOL). If you like, enjoy the creative and amazing idea used to motivate athletes with disabilities to take part on the paralympics. What makes the video more special to me is that it was made in one shot and uses NO CG!
Also wondering how could it be done? Check this making off and get the idea. Awesome work!
MZ_Paralympics – Making Of from VAUGHAN HANNIGAN on Vimeo.