Hi everyone!
It has been a while since I last posted anything. Two years ago I took some time off and noticed I didn’t really like or want the excessive time spent posting and hoping to get attention and likes, regardless if that is for professional or personal reasons. After stopping I found more time to dedicate to things that are more important and that were too often left without time.
Fast forward a couple of years and I came back from a meeting thinking that there may be a balance and a good outcome of these online interactions. Through a Meetup Group I got to know and meet a group of passionate photographers who were willing to commit to meet and shoot regardless of the really poor weather. If you still don’t know the website, it is a great place to find people that are passionate about the same things you like or willing to spend some good time together, regardless if you like sports, reading or discussing nuclear physics in Esperanto. Ok, maybe this last group will be a little limited in participants… 🙂
On May 28th we met after a really awful day weather-wise. It rained and looked miserable the whole day, until about an hour before the event’s scheduled time. We started the day with 20 confirmed participants and due to the weather or personal reasons ended up being only a precious few. Alexander, Lino, Philip, Simon and Cesar (in almost alphabetical order). And it was a ton of fun, that being the reason to get me to change my mind about the online presence and maybe allowing myself more opportunities to meet such fun-to-be-around people.
The details from the Meetup Event are on the website, but we set our sails to practice portraits under natural light on the amazing and beautiful Zürich. The set was actually perfect, we had wet floor and reflections, sunlight coming through clouds and a bunch of people willing to shoot and pose together to learn and exercise. It was so good that we finished much later than anticipated and not before scheduling the next event, set to happen sooner thanks to Master Lino and his Rolls Royce (internal joke, you need to come to a meeting to understand it :). The details for this new meeting will soon be on the website, join the group and you’ll never miss any chance to come and have fun with us.
With the authorization from the photographers, here are some examples of our practice session together (click the photos to see the full image):
Photo By Philip Photo By Philip Photo By Philip Photo By Philip Photo By Philip Photo By Philip SUPER cool Photo By Philip Photo by Simon Photo By Philip Photo By Philip Photo By Philip Photo by Lino Photo by Lino Photo by Lino Photo by Lino Photo by Lino Photo by Lino Photo by Lino Photo by Lino Photo by Lino Photo by Lino Photo by Lino Photo by Lino
What say you? Join us for the next event? Hope to see you then: https://www.meetup.com/Photography-Zurich/