Sorry, no happy women’s day from my side. Before you beat me for it, please read this to the end and then feel free to disagree with a respectful comment below 😉.
There seems to be a consensus to celebrate the better part of MANkind, many people jump to send flowers and congratulate #women on this special day. My rant is based on all other days, I would have nothing against the #internationalwomensday were it not for what we do on all other days. Please read the last phrase twice. If I recall correctly, women are still underpaid despite being equally qualified and performing just the same as their male counterparts, there is still a lot of abuse towards women, be it by partners, unknown male predators, religious beliefs, undefendable traditions, the list is too big to fathom in 2023.
Is there an easy solution? Certainly not. Are we doing enough? CERTAINLY not. Could you and I do better? I imagine this is a third repeat, isn’t it? From the small daily acts to the big fights, not forgetting to stand firm against all enduring prejudice. All it takes for one to carry on the misdeeds is the inaction of others.
From my side, I would love to come here and celebrate equality, free choices, liberty, and absolute lack of prejudice to colour, gender, sexual preferences, religious beliefs, body mass, origins, and race (if there actually is a sub-division in the human race). In the end, we are all dust regardless of the pronouns we choose to live by but until then, we are all the same meatware in a different and equally ephemeral shell.
Mankind? What about menkinder (or kinder men for the tighter grammatical purists among us)? I bet all in that we would live in a better realm and I’d be happy to celebrate today.
Now feel free to crucify (carefully selected word 😉) me in the comments, just please keep it PG-13 and respectful.