Tuesday Photo CHat #8 – Luminosity Mask, Instagram Scheduling, New CHallenge and more

Grüetzi Galera! And my amazing photographer friends made it again, yet another cool and fun virtual meeting to help us lighten up the lockdown. That is pure fuel for my soul, thanks to all who participated. We meet weekly at 19:00 CEST to our Tuesday Photo CHats,you can see/download the PDF presented during the meeting…

Photo CHallenge part 3

Past CHallenges It has been so much fun organizing and participating in the Photo CHallenges and Photo Assignments! We have a great opportunity to interact and keep our creative juices flowing despite the #isolation and #socialdistancing. Click those links to discover see all the images from the past events and get some inspiration. New CHallenge…

Online Knowledge Resources

During our online meetings the group stated that we would like to share the online resources we use to learn and keep creative. This is a sticky post to have these invaluable resources listed and easily accessible to everyone. What is your favorite source? Add it in the comments below or write me and I’ll…

Tuesday Photo CHat

New Weekly Online Meetings As #Isolation won’t leave us alone, we will make the best as we can with the situation! After the success and fun from the last meeting, we decided that we will meet online every Tuesday evening and have a good time, chat about photography related matters, help each other to keep…